Western Pennsylvania

Attention Reatta owners in North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia Western Pennsylvania We're on the road to Pennsylvania July August 9th-11th.
Marck will be available for service calls to help diagnose issues on Reattas and help with minor repairs such as -Horn button replacement (90/91) -Headlamp motor rebuilds -ABS Accumulator installations -Headlight Switch Repair -Dash electronic replacements -Radios (Bluetooth and standard) -CD Player Repair -Power antennas -Trunk lock cover kits -Convertible sun visor clips -Keyless entry remotes -Interior Trim Replacement and more! Please contact us ahead of time with your needs so we can make sure to bring the adequate amount of parts for everyone! The deadline is Thursday August 5th to schedule a stop for repairs on your Reatta or parts delivery
If you are in need of any parts for your Reatta, or would like to have us stop by and work on your Reatta. . . Or call us today at 919.233.1973 |